Who should I connect with on LinkedIn?
Many people on LinkedIn have not made an active choice to build their network in the right way. We have old colleagues (who come in maybe once every three months), fellow students (who come in when they are looking for a job, and maybe some recruiters…).
You need to think about who is a relevant and interesting contact for you. Connect with existing customers, potential customers and people who interest you more at an individual level.
“I only connect with those I already know”
This is a common comment. And yes, we can understand it, but at the same time… This is not Facebook, this is not Instagram. It is not “just another social media”. Instead, think of LinkedIn as a business network, or a networking event – open 24 hours a day. All year round.
And what are you like at a networking event? Do you only talk to those you already know and hide in a corner? Nope. You mingle (yes, a bit scary at first…), share business cards (if you use them), are curious, helpful, encouraging, supportive, offer your knowledge, offer your network, find collaborations, book meetings, etc. And we should act in exactly the same way on LinkedIn. It just happens to be online instead.
So, think a bit – then go!