Our Services

Ongoing LinkedIn coaching

Habit, knowledge, and fun build your success on LinkedIn!

Has your company decided that LinkedIn should be part of your communication with the market? We will help you further from that particular decision. Perhaps you’ve already taken a LinkedIn course before? LinkedCoach is what happens after the training.

We’ve all started working out at the gym only to quit soon after. LinkedCoach is like your personal LinkedIn trainer, helping you build a sustainable habit of using the platform. We don’t just want to deliver a lecture on LinkedIn’s excellence and how to fix your profiles. We succeed when LinkedIn becomes a natural and sustainable habit for you.

The first few weeks always go by quickly, and you’ll gain a lot of knowledge through our videos as well as through personal coaching, which is either managed entirely via our digital platform or over the phone or Teams.

After 2-3 weeks, we enter the phase where we help you maintain the pace. You’ll be working on building a relevant and engaging network. We push you to create content and also assist with ideas for it. What exactly should you write about? How personal can you be, and how much of what you write should be related to the company you work for?

If there were a universal answer to that question, it would be simple. But since we are all different individuals, we tailor the coaching specifically to you.

This is ongoing coaching on an individual level. It continues for two to three months, and we help you take the steps you want, provide you with the knowledge you need, and offer support until the day you feel, “LinkedIn is OK, it works well for me, I understand the platform, and I’ve reached the goals I set. I see LinkedIn as a natural part of my networking, and the network is getting to know me and our products/services.”

For those of you seeking employment, we focus specifically on networking to help you find your next job. Naturally, we share the same goal!

The coaching is tailored to approach the right companies and recruiters for you.

Personal coaching can be booked directly online, but for groups larger than 15 people, please contact us via email.

We start up groups continuously, according to your company’s needs!

Individual Coaching 1 month

1 month

$1 300

For you who have already come a long way and are willing to really go for it!

Individual Coaching 2 months

2 months

$1 600

You´ve already come a long way but needs an extra boost!

Individual Coaching 3 months

3 months

$1 900

With 3 months of LinkedIn coaching, you really build the habit of becoming active on the world's largest business network!

Leaders on LinkedIn 1 month

1 month

from $ 1 800

An intensive month for those who are already active on LinkedIn!

Leaders on LinkedIn 2 months

2 months

from $ 2 500

In 2 months, you will learn how to lead your team forward on LinkedIn!

Leaders on LinkedIn 3 months

3 months

from $ 3 200

3 months of coaching for you who are relatively new as a leader on LinkedIn, we make sure to create a confidence for you to lead digitally on LinkedIn.

Profile review

30 minutes


Get your LinkedIn profile in order so that you attract in the right way!

Keep it up!

pp / month


Have you been coached? We´ll keep an eye on you so that you actually keep up, even after the coaching.

E-learning – On the road to a new job!

6 weeks


Are you a job seeker and want to take a proactive approach to finding your new job? Then get active on LinkedIn with the help of our 6-week e-learning course "Towards a new job"!

E-learning – Social Selling with LinkedIn!

12 weeks


Boost your sales with the help of LinkedIn. With LinkedCoach's E-learning, you get weekly assignments to become active on LinkedIn - the right way, to complement the other sales you do via email, phone and meetings.

E-Learning – LinkedIn for Startups 8 Weeks

8 weeks

$ 595

Attract customers, colleagues, investors and partners using LinkedIn!Time consumption: 8 weeksApproach: Every Monday, the courses and assignments of the week, for 8 weeks.Investment:SEK 5 500 excl. VAT (SEK 6 875 including VAT).We at LinkedCoach wish you good luck!You can find the training here: https://linkedcoach.baloolearning.com/academy
